Tag: Energy Efficient

Posted on 10/24/2021
Can You Afford an Ultra-Efficient Home?
Image by Nattanan Kanchanaprat from Pixabay An ultra-efficient home is one that's designed and constructed not only to save you energy but provide its own. This means it uses no more renewable energy that it generates. To the novice homeowner, this may sound impossible. However, to the architects and engineers who specialize in designing this type of abode,...
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Posted on 06/20/2021
How a Smart Thermostat Can Increase Your Comfort & Reduce Energy Costs
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels Your smart thermostat is designed to save you money without your having to think about it. Of course, that doesn't mean that you don't have any say over how it works and how much money you save. We'll look at tips you can use to keep your energy bills as low as...
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Posted on 07/19/2020
Decorate for Energy Savings
Photo by Taylor Simpson on Unsplash Saving money with your décor can mean more than just finding a good deal on new couches. If you invest in decorative options that increase the efficiency of your home, you extend your savings. Proper insulation goes a long way but still, much of the energy loss in homes happens through the...
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